Serving Haiti’s Rural Poor in Jesus’ Name

2017 Snapshot

 TVI serves the rural Pestel region in Southwest Haiti, which has some 60,000 people, struggling to survive. Since it's a relatively small region (by comparison, the Port-au-Prince metro area is home to more than 2.5 million people), even small donations have a large impact. Your tax-deductible dollars go directly to provide education, seeds and goats to help Pestel thrive in the short and long term.  Here is a brief list of our accomplishments in conjunction with our Haitian partners in Pestel, KPA (Christians Progress Together).

In 2017, Thriving Villages International partnered with Haitians to accomplish the following:

TVI joined with Haiti’s KPA (“Christians Progress Together”) and forged a relationship built on mutuality and respect.  TVI Board members visited KPA twice in Haiti to meet with the five community leaders and solidify our mutual vision and goals.

Donors enabled St. Rose Elementary School to expand by adding 3rd Grade.  The total number of students supported was 36. Support included school fees, books, and uniforms.

Two students attended University, and one more student will finish nursing school this year.  All will return to serve the people of Pestel, Haiti.

Fighting Startvation

Due to the devastation from Hurricane Matthew in late 2016, KPA requested and received funding for the following:

Replanting crops.  297 families received seeds to replant crops.
Elderly support.  Eight elderly individuals were provided money for daily food and medicine. Honoring the dignity of the impoverished elderly is a high value for the Haitian community leaders in Pestel.
Livestock.  60 goats were purchased and distributed to 60 families.  In the following year, 2018, each family will receive another goat to breed, with the understanding that they give one young goat to a neighbor.

Goat 1 - edited        Haitian Girl